Your App Users Are More Valuable Than You Think – Here’s Why, and How Much

“Mobile First” was so last decade. To triumph in 2021 and beyond, marketers must think “App First.” However, many businesses leave money on the table because they fail to optimize their best source of growth: existing traffic! The revenue potential and cost savings of driving app adoption can be enormous, yet is often deprioritized when competing teams don’t fully quantify the upside of apps.

Join Branch’s Director of Business Strategy, Reed Kunh, as he examines some of the most important (and sometimes unloved) organic sources of growth. Understand what they are worth, and how to capture that value. Attendees will get a peek behind the curtain of over 60,000 mobile businesses, with insights into best practices with a growth hacker mindset.

Key Topics:

  • How to think about app value relative to mobile and digital growth
  • Gracefully migrate users to your app from a variety of channels for higher lifetime value
  • Deep link users from every engagement pathway to maximize the benefit of every MAU


Reed Kuhn | Branch

Reed Kuhn is the Director of Business Strategy at Branch, where he connects the massive data within the Branch platform to real customer impact. A former aerospace and defense strategy consultant, Reed left the industry and moved to Silicon Valley when his wife began her medical training at Stanford. Along the way, he invented his first app on an iPhone 3 and authored the first-ever book of sports analytics focused on professional cagefighting. He spent time in eCommerce SaaS working with global retail leaders, plus eventual stints at Walmart and eBay. He now spends his weekends as ESPN’s gambling expert for Mixed Martial Arts and running a quantitative sports gambling investment fund. He holds a BS in Physics from Washington & Lee University, a Master’s in Systems Engineering from the University of Virginia, and an MBA from Duke University.