Introducing Branch’s Customer Advocacy Program 

Our customers are vital to Branch’s success. Since 2014, your feedback, insights, and real-world experiences have been instrumental in shaping our products, services, and company vision. Now, we’re giving you the opportunity to take that partnership to the next level. 

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our brand-new Customer Advocacy Program, designed to cultivate deeper, more authentic relationships with our valued customers. The program will provide you with a platform to share your expertise, grow your professional network, and collaborate with our team on exciting new initiatives.

Here’s what you can look forward to as a Branch advocate. 

Customer Advocacy Program opportunities

As a member of our Customer Advocacy Program, you’ll gain access to a host of exclusive benefits tailored to help you grow personally and professionally: 

  • Professional development and thought leadership opportunities: Elevate your profile within the mobile industry through speaking engagements, webinars, workshops, and more. You’ll have the opportunity to educate others, share experiences, and contribute insights to help shape industry trends.
  • Technical advisory hours: Unlock tailored technical advisory hours by partnering with Branch on four or more activities. Our Professional Services team will partner with your team to provide custom use case enablement, mobile customer experience recommendations, and channel strategy aligned with your business and tech stack.
  • Mobile growth workshops: Access mobile growth workshops customized to your business needs, designed to identify areas of opportunities and growth for your team, and calculate the incremental ROI of using Branch.
  • Exclusive networking opportunities: Connect with fellow industry leaders, experts, and like-minded professionals. Engage in collaborative discussions, forge meaningful connections, and expand your network within the Branch community.
  • Unique gifts and fun swag: Enjoy special tokens of appreciation as a thank you for your continued partnership.

As a member of the program, you’ll have the chance to participate in a variety of activities, such as:

  • Speaking engagements: Showcase your expertise at industry-leading events and conferences.
  • Webinar and event participation: Contribute as a guest speaker on upcoming webinars or Mobile Growth Online events, sharing your perspectives and experiences with a wider audience.
  • Content co-creation: Share success stories through case studies or guest blog posts, offering valuable insights to the community.
  • Testimonials and referrals: Partner with us on video testimonials or refer others to Branch, spreading the word about your experiences.
  • Product feedback and beta participation: Participate in product feedback sessions and beta testing opportunities, providing insights and suggestions to help shape the future of Branch’s products and services.

Ready to get started?

We’re excited to introduce our Customer Advocacy Program and explore new ways to support your success both within Branch and throughout the broader mobile industry. The program is open to all Branch customers who are passionate about driving innovation and making a lasting impact. 

Interested in joining? Sign up or contact us at [email protected] to learn more.