What Marketers Need To Know About Privacy Sandbox: A Conversation With Google

It’s high time for marketers to catch up on privacy changes and understand their near-term implications. One significant development in this arena is Google’s Privacy Sandbox, a multi-year effort aimed at redefining how digital advertising operates while prioritizing user privacy. But what exactly is the Privacy Sandbox, and how will it impact ad attribution and measurement?

At a recent webinar featuring Ray Brusca, strategic partnerships manager at Google, we delved into the core concepts of Privacy Sandbox, unpacking its objectives, principles, and consequences for the advertising ecosystem. 

What is Privacy Sandbox, really? 

Privacy Sandbox is a Google-led initiative to develop technologies that safeguard individual user privacy while allowing companies to carry out critical advertising functions. In simple terms, it aims to reduce cross-site and cross-app tracking without compromising the effectiveness of ad targeting and measurement. 

According to Brusca, “Privacy Sandbox is a product with a broader initiative wrapped around it. In short, Chrome and Android are seeking to introduce new technologies — like the Attribution Reporting API (ARA) and several others — to advance consumer privacy while supporting key ad functionalities. On Android, that largely translates to developing solutions that enable the ecosystem to both serve relevant in-app ads and also measure them, without the need for cross-app identifiers.” 

Google has taken a collaborative approach to developing its Privacy Sandbox tools. Since its announcement on the web initiative in 2019, followed by Android in 2022, the company has engaged stakeholders across the mobile ecosystem, including marketers, publishers, adtech providers, and consumers. 

Brusca added, “We have frankly been approaching it with the humble recognition that the effort will be more effective if we work in collaboration with the industry. We’ve invited every stakeholder across the mobile ecosystem to test tools and provide feedback on how well they serve their use cases.” 

Privacy Sandbox on Android will introduce new solutions that operate without cross-app identifiers — including Google’s Advertising ID (GAID) — and limit data sharing with third parties.

What is GAID?

The Google Advertising ID (GAID), also known as the Android ID or Android Advertising ID (AAID), is a unique device identifier that allows app developers and marketers to track campaign performance and user behavior across various media sources (similar to a cookie on a web browser). You can think of Google’s GAID as the Android equivalent of Apple’s Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA). Its usage limit will significantly change user targeting and campaign measurement, requiring new privacy preserving tools.

Why does Google Privacy Sandbox matter to mobile marketers?

As privacy regulations continue to change the advertising landscape, marketers must adapt to new ways of managing and measuring their campaigns. This shift requires adopting new methods to target and measure campaigns without compromising user privacy. The Privacy Sandbox offers essential tools that aim to enable advertisers to comply with privacy regulations, while still maintaining the effectiveness of their ads.

By prioritizing user privacy, marketers not only adhere to regulatory standards, but also demonstrate their commitment to safeguarding user privacy, which ultimately fosters trust and enhances customer loyalty, as data privacy is a growing concern for consumers.

How does Privacy Sandbox balance user privacy with market demands?

Google has shared several key principles guiding the development of Privacy Sandbox tools, two of which are particularly relevant to marketers. The first is data minimization.

“Data should only be collected by a user if it is allowable and necessary to achieve a specific purpose. This may prompt marketers to ask themselves: Do we actually need the data we are collecting from users to make critical business decisions? Is any of it superfluous, or even worse, does it actually add noise and bias, detracting from our analysis?” Brusca explained. 

The second core principle is to challenge the assumption that there must always be a tradeoff between privacy and advertising effectiveness. Brusca argued that with innovative technologies like those being developed in the Privacy Sandbox, privacy and advertising can coexist, benefiting both users and advertisers alike.

What is the attribution reporting API (ARA), and how will it impact reporting? 

The ARA is one of the tools introduced by Privacy Sandbox. It represents a fundamental shift in how companies approach advertising attribution; unlike existing methods that use cross-app identifiers, it relies on anonymized and aggregated data. In practical terms, it allows brands to track and attribute campaign metrics, such as impressions, clicks, or conversions, without third-party cookies and device IDs. 

“Given the ARA’s configurability and flexibility, it’s important for marketers to invest time now in understanding how the API works. There are some fundamental differences between cross-app ID-based measurement and ARA-based measurement. First, you’ll generally need to be more intentional about which campaign and conversion metrics you want to measure before launching a campaign. That may mean more upfront planning and discussions with internal stakeholders and adtech partners,” said Brusca. 

The ARA introduces “noise,” adding a random amount of data to attribution reports to obfuscate and further protect individual user identities. This prevents easy tracking of specific user actions while still providing valuable insights at an aggregated level.  

Brusca added, “Companies may need to recalibrate how they approach reporting. Extracting as much signal as possible from the ARA requires an understanding of the tradeoffs.”  

How do cross-app and web attribution work under Privacy Sandbox?

The ARA enables marketers and advertisers to measure ad conversions across both web and apps, including app-to-app, app-to-web, web-to-app, and web-to-web.

Brusca explained, “Imagine browsing a news app on your phone and clicking on an airline ad for a flight deal to an international destination you’ve never visited. If you don’t have the airline’s app installed and proceed to purchase a ticket on their website, the ARA can match these events locally and securely on your device.”

Similarly, it can accurately attribute a scenario where a user reads a web article about a sporting event, sees an ad for a pizza deal, clicks on it, and makes a purchase through the pizza delivery app. As Brusca emphasized, these capabilities have the potential to enable more marketers to perform cross-app and web attribution, thereby helping them achieve better match rates, broader inventory coverage, and, ultimately, improved campaign performance.

How should marketers prepare and stay up to date with Privacy Sandbox changes? 

The consensus from the panelists was: Get started now.

Brusca advised, “Start testing the Attribution Reporting API and other Privacy Sandbox building blocks now while the products are still in beta. Now is the time to make sure you get your feedback. Google is constantly rolling out important features and publishing new proposals. I also recommend reaching out to Branch and your other adtech partners to see what integration tests they have in flight and how you can get involved.” 

How is Branch navigating a post-identifier landscape?

At Branch, we are committed to providing privacy-compliant attribution and measurement solutions. We’re working closely with Google’s Privacy Sandbox team, engaging in live testing, and providing feedback to help shape these initiatives.

We are committed to ensuring that our customers are prepared for campaign management and measurement in the future of the privacy landscape. As efforts evolve with the Privacy Sandbox, we will continue to share practical insights and updates on our development. We invite you to start understanding how to thrive in a post-identifier deprecation landscape now.

When is the Privacy Sandbox taking affect?

Google has not shared a clear timeline on when changes will take effect. For now, we suggest that you follow Google’s Privacy Sandbox timeline for the most up to date information on expected rollout dates.

To stay informed on Privacy Sandbox updates, check out privacysandbox.com and click “News and Updates” in the dropdown menu. For developers and product managers, visit developers.google.com to read about new feature sets.

To catch the full conversion, watch Uncovering Google Privacy Sandbox – Candid Conversation With Experts. For more information, reach out to our team!