Join us for an ✨engaging ✨ discussion around mobile growth industry trends and best practices for staying ahead of the curve in this ever-evolving playing field.
This is a phenomenal opportunity to learn from the Branch and Adapty teams and to have your mobile growth-related questions answered in real-time.
In this webinar, we’ll discuss topics like:
- The current state of the mobile landscape
- WWDC 2022 updates, including SKAN 4.0 and pasteboard consent
- New StoreKit Messages, and possible future implications
- And much more…
Sam Edwards
Product Marketing Manager at Branch
Sam holds experience helping large and small tech companies bring products to market – focusing on core product value, unique messaging, and compelling stories. Sam joins Branch as a Product Marketing Manager after 3+ years at Amplitude Analytics and brings extensive domain and industry knowledge from her prior roles in Customer Success, Solutions Engineering, and Technology Partnerships. In her current role as Product Marketing Manager at Branch, she is focused on improving the user experience and advocating for seamless product journeys.
Vitaly Davydov
CEO at
Prior to founding Adapty, Vitaly was a marketing data analyst at EasyTen (a top-10 app for language learning in 2016). He was building LTV and retention model for EasyTen leading to a 30% LTV increase. Together with his co-founder Kirill they created, an internal subscriptions BI and optimization engine – pairing deep integrations with mobile attribution services.